MICIRO es mi alter ego, resultado de mi  inmersión dentro del mundo del arte.
Estudié Arquitectura en la Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña.

MICIRO is my alter ego, is the result of my immersion in the world of art.

This is me doing one of the things that I like the most, I look at the sea and I free up my thoughts. I love the sea, it gives me energy, peace, balance ... and above all inspire me.

Born in Barcelona and adopted daughter of the "Terres de l'Ebre". I studied architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and it is what I do when I'm not painting or writing in my blog.

Que es el arte? Para mi es una manera de expresarme sin limites. A cada uno de mis cuadros le doy energía positiva, una explosión de color, caras sonrientes, peces de colores, el mar,....
Hago este blog para mostrar mis trabajos, hablar sobre arte y los grandes artistas de todas las epocas. 

What is art? For mi is a way to express myself without limits.  The most important thing in the art, is that when the others see your work they get exited.
To everyone of my pictures I give them positive energy, a color explosion, smily faces, coloured fishes, the sea,...
I'm doing this blog to show my works, and to speak about art and the great artists that have removed our hearts.  

2 comentarios:

  1. Pq no había vist aquest bloc teu nena??
    M´encantaaaa, tens un talent absolut, com tú...tot el que fas te màgia paris de pintar i de deixar plamats els teus pensaments...ets gran Miciro!!!:))

  2. Hola preciosa!!
    Gràcies pels cumplits los porto molt bé! jajajaja!! T'he contestat amb un mail privat bonica.
